5 Tips to Staying Consistent in Marketing your Business Online
Oct 11, 2022
If content is king, being consistent with your marketing is queen.
Today, I would like to share with you some tips on how you can stay consistent with marketing your business online. Before we dive into those tips, let’s take a quick look at why consistency is queen when it comes to marketing.
Why is it important to be consistent in your marketing? It can easily become overwhelming trying to figure out what the best marketing method and strategy is for your business. However, one thing to remember is that your marketing strategy is a long-term plan to grow leads organically. And to truly see results from your marketing efforts, consistency is the key (or queen).
Whether you publish new content on your website once a month, every two weeks or once a week, the most important thing is for you to stick to your marketing plan and schedule. When your marketing content is inconsistent, people see it – as well as your brand - as unpredictable, and it deters them from trusting your brand as an authority.
In my previous article, we walked through the various touch points of the customer journey and how important the first two stages of Awareness and Appeal are to building a relationship with your ideal client through consistently publishing new content.
Consistent new content on your website, social media channels, and in your email newsletters keeps you front-of-mind with potential leads and helps to build credibility and trust with your brand. (To learn more about the customer journey, read the article here: Kotler’s 5 A’s of Creating an Effective Customer Journey.)
And, in case you need another argument, according to Techipedia, “consistent brands are worth up to 20% higher than those who aren’t [consistent].” This research was published 10 years ago so I imagine that percentage is quite possibly higher than 20% in today’s larger digital world.
Now that we have a better understanding of why consistency in your marketing is so important, let’s take a look at some tips to help you be more consistent.
Here are 5 ways to stay consistent with your marketing:
1. Clarify your message.
This is probably the most important tip for staying consistent with your marketing. If you are unclear about what products and services you offer and how you help people, this confusion will come through in your marketing and confuse those who are following you. No one likes to be confused so it is key to nail down your marketing message by answering these questions:
- Who do you help?
- How do you help them? What is the problem that you solve?
- And even, why are you helping these people?
When you can clearly answer these questions, you will be able to speak directly to your ideal client, inspire them, show them how you can solve their problems by meeting them where they are at, and motivate them to seek how you can help them further.
2. Plan your marketing.
When it comes to marketing your business online, you do not have to be doing everything and be everywhere. In fact, it isn’t a great strategy to try and be everything or everywhere for everyone. If you have clarified your messaging and understand who your ideal client is, you should also know where your ideal client hangs out online. Do they spend most of their time on Instagram? Or are they primarily on LinkedIn?
To stay consistent with your marketing, it is necessary to streamline your marketing plan. Start with one or two social media channels where you know your ideal client is spending time, in addition to publishing content on your website in the form of a blog post or podcast show notes page. Get consistent and grow in one or two platforms before adding others to your marketing plan.
3. Create a schedule and stick to it.
Now that you have a streamlined marketing plan, you need to create that marketing content. Schedule time into your calendar and stick to those blocks of time. As small business owners and entrepreneurs, we are great about keeping appointments with clients, but when it comes to blocked time to work on our own businesses it is so easy to let other things take priority.
You need to treat appointments with yourself as important as client appointments. Unless there is an emergency (that would also cause you to cancel a client appointment), do not let anything else draw you away from working on your marketing content during that time. Make it a habit to work on your business and your marketing during those scheduled blocks of time. Because if you don’t, it is much harder to be consistent with your marketing and to attract potential leads and clients to your business.
4. Brand consistency.
To be consistent with marketing your business, it’s not just about consistency in creating and publishing new content on a regular schedule but also having consistency in the look and feel of your marketing. We’ve already touched on having clarity in your messaging (which is part of maintaining this brand consistency), so let’s focus on the look of your marketing.
Are you consistent in the colours, fonts and logos that you use in your images? Do your blog posts and newsletters follow your brand guidelines to be consistent with the look of your website?
To help maintain this brand consistency, I suggest creating templates for the images you use that incorporate your brand guidelines of colours, fonts and logos. This is also a huge time saver when it comes to creating those images for the new content you are creating.
5. Get support and accountability.
For the majority of entrepreneurs and small business owners, we are solopreneurs – running our businesses by ourselves without a partner. And, if you do have a partner, this tip still 100% applies to you as a small business. We are not meant to run our businesses alone.
It is so important to find support and accountability from others who are maybe a little further along in their business journey, or who have skills and expertise in a specific area that you are lacking when it comes to running your business.
I have been a part of a business mastermind group coaching program for the past year and have benefited hugely not only from the support and coaching from Tammy, our business coach, but also the input from the other members in the group. These weekly calls are a highlight of my week that I look forward to. It is an investment that not only gives me access to the support and knowledge of other talented entrepreneurs, but the accountability to work on my business and to be consistent with marketing my business.
It may also be time to invest in your business by hiring a Virtual Assistant or Marketing Team who can help you stay consistent with your marketing by providing the added level of accountability. My virtual assistant not only supports me in getting my marketing content out there, but provides me with the accountability to meet deadlines. If I don’t stick to those deadlines, I won’t have new, consistent content to provide her with.
Marketing your business does not need to be overwhelming.
But you do need to be consistent. If you are feeling discouraged with your marketing efforts and not seeing the results you are hoping for, I encourage you to re-evaluate what you are doing and what you may be missing from these 5 tips. When you are consistent with your marketing from a foundation of clarity with your message and brand, you will begin to see results.
Are you ready to get that extra support and invest in a marketing team? Book a quick teatime chat with Natashia to learn how we can help you stay consistent with your marketing, without feeling overwhelmed. Let us give you the gift of confidence for your message.
Not quite ready to invest in a team to help with your marketing? Grab this FREE guide and learn how you can start booking more clients every day with these 5 simple steps to growing your business online. With these 5 simple steps, you can grow your business online with a process that will help you be consistent and save you time ... all while filling your courses and programs!